Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tori Amos Gets Him Really Pumped

Because of his appearances on The Daily Show, general sense of humor about himself, and seemingly genuine intelligence, Mick Foley has always been my favorite professional wrestler; better even than The Rock and Hulk Hogan.  Now, my days of watching the WWF are long behind me, but I can still remember the childhood excitement.  I am not ashamed to admit that I used to watch professional wrestling.

Frankly, I don't understand the people who look down on its viewers.  They complain that it is fake and not a real sport; so what, so are horror movies.  Everyone knows that wrestling is fake, that doesn't stop people from enjoying it.  Everyone know that in wrestling, the performers aren't really competing, just like everyone knows that in horror movies, no one really gets killed.  The bottom line is that it is just entertainment.

Anyway, today I read an article written by Mick Foley himself about the impact that Tori Amos's song "Winter" had on him.  The article is well written, emotional, and impactful and I would encourage everyone to read it.

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